Book Sections Year : 1996

When non social public services take care


A few years ago the company in charge of the Paris underground set -off a communication campaign with the slogan : "the metro, the second car" targeting the upper and middle classes inorder to convince them that one could own a car and at the same time use public transport. Today the same public company has put in place a project called the "coup de pouce" (with a little help) which aims at facilitating the reinsertion of the homeless who spend their day in the tube stations. Furthermore the company has organised socio-educational activities for the suburban youth inorder to avoid conflictual contacts with bus conductors. This change of tone can be also seen in most administrations and public services.
Du fait d'une certaine montée de la pauvreté, un certains nombre d'entreprises publiques ou d'administrations qui n'étaient pas spécialisées dans les questions sociales se trouvent confrontées directement au traitement de populations défavorisées. La question n'a jamais été vraiment mise à l'agenda des politiques. Faute de politiques as hoc, on observe une multiplicité convergente d'initiatives locales. Ces expériences conduisent à réinterroger et à renouveller le principe d'un service pour tous.
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hal-01256957 , version 1 (19-01-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01256957 , version 1


Gilles Jeannot. When non social public services take care. H-J Shulze, W. Wirth (eds), Who cares ?, Londres, Cassel, pp.63-75, 1996. ⟨hal-01256957⟩
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