Interactions between rainfall and wind turbulence in a Universal Multifractal framework
Rainfall and wind are both known to exhibit extreme variability over a wide range of spatio-temporal scales which makes such fields complex to characterize, simulate and even measure. In this paper, we present a database that will enable to characterize the Interactions between rainfall and wind turbulence. Preliminary analysis using the framework of Universal Multifractals, commonly used to analyse and simulate these fields will also be presented.
The data collected during a high resolution measurement campaign on a meteorological mast will be used. More precisely the wind, temperature, pressure, humidity and rainfall fields are collected using 3D sonic anemometers (manufactured by Thies), mini meteorological stations (manufactured by Thies), and disdrometers (Parsivel2, manufactured by OTT). The latter gives access to the size and velocity of drops falling through its sampling area. The temporal resolution is of 100 Hz for the 3D sonic anemometers, 1 Hz for the meteorological stations and 30 s for the disdrometers. The devices are installed at two heights (approx. 45 m and 80 m), which enables to assess effects of altitude.
Initial results will be presented, notably with regards to the scaling features of the various fields, their characteristic parameters, and their correlation across scales.
Authors acknowledge the RW-Turb project (supported by the French National Research Agency - ANR-19-CE05-0022), for financial support. This project aims to quantify the impact of atmospheric turbulence and rainfall on wind power production.