Smart city projects in the continuity of the urban socio-technical regime: The French case
The purpose of the article is to assess whether smart city projects developed in France represent continuity or a break
with the established socio-technical regime of French cities. Our assessment attempts to establish a link between the main
socio-technical features of French cities in existing literature and an exhaustive list of “smart city”-labelled projects compiled
from twenty French cities. It reveals more of continuity than a break with the urban socio-technical regime generated by these
projects. Technologies are not evenly developed along different domains: the fact that the most sophisticated innovations play
out in the regulation of networks rather than in e-government reinforces an old two-speed urban modernisation. The mainly
technological character of these projects is part of the continuity of a depoliticised strategy for managing technical matters.
Co-production opportunities renew a tradition of local management and processing of grievances. Traditional public-private
partnerships are only partially modified.
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