Actors' positions and inclinations towards the electro-mobility system in France
The electromobility system of actors not only comprises the usual stakeholders involved in individual mobility, such as car manufacturers and drivers, but also electricity suppliers, service providers and above all public authorities. With the rising number of actors concerned, the electromobility system will require greater coordination and closer cooperation between existing and new, developing stakeholders than is currently the case. This paper aims to present a typology of the electromobility system's stakeholders. Our work discusses the results of over 30 interviews (conducted in 2010 and 2011) with representatives of (potential) stakeholders who will probably have a major influence on the developing electromobility system. We focus on the role, interests and difficulties which each actor expects to encounter with the arrival of electric vehicles. We show how their stable, historical position in the system is likely to change and which adaptation strategies are likely, to cope with the changing environment. Analysing the probable forms of interdependence between actors in the electromobility system can also help us to highlight the lack of some essential links in the current system of actors.