Analyse des freins et leviers à la mise en œuvre de SafN Inventaire des formations initiales et continues - École des Ponts ParisTech
Rapport (Rapport De Recherche) Année : 2021

Analyse des freins et leviers à la mise en œuvre de SafN Inventaire des formations initiales et continues


Abstract This deliverable focuses on the inventory of existing initial and continuing training related to Nature- based adaptation Solutions (NbaS). Carried out as part of Action A1 of the ARTISAN project, it aims to: (i) analyze how NbaS are introduced into these training courses (which NbaS (s), through which thematic (s), etc.), (ii) draw up a map of the current training offer according to their specificities, and (iii) list the gaps to be filled and reflections that will be pursued in Action C4 dedicated to the development of training courses. The main conclusions of this work are summarized below. Initial training The number of Masters training courses related to environmental issues and evoking the NbaS is much higher than that of the other studied post-baccalaureate training courses (DUT and Professional Licenses). These seem to be more generalist and more operational. NBAS terminology - the concept of NbaS is little known and / or poorly understood - it encompasses old concepts more commonly used depending on the considered environment - they are implicitly and widely introduced within the teaching courses - they are seen more as management tools than adaptation ones - climate change is rarely discussed in these training courses Environments - the classification by environment highlights the predominance of generalist courses interested in many environments - the urban environment is also the subject of several training courses in connection with NbaS - the theme of water is addressed in many of these training programs, showing the importance of this resource - some environments do not have training specifically dedicated to them, such as maritime, natural or forest environments Mapping - no real training in connection with NbaS seems to be offered in the North, the Center and on the Mediterranean coast - a third of the offer is located in the Paris region - there are training courses dedicated to a very specific environment, often near the areas concerned (eg: mountain environment near mountains) - training focused on the urban environment is given more in the north-west of France - training courses dedicated to the agricultural sector are all located to the west of the Lille-Marseille axis Labor market: - local authorities ask for NbaS to appear in training programs - there are few specific jobs related to NbaS - NbaS can be linked to the implementation of labeling - stakeholder networks are very important to generate operational demand and bring it back to academic sphere
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hal-04144878 , version 1 (28-06-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04144878 , version 1


Pierre-Antoine Versini, Mario Al Sayah, D Schertzer. Analyse des freins et leviers à la mise en œuvre de SafN Inventaire des formations initiales et continues. Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech, Paris-France. 2021. ⟨hal-04144878⟩
25 Consultations
38 Téléchargements

