index - World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists


9th edition of the World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists (WWW-YES-2009-Brazil)

26 - 30 October 2009 at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil


Scientific programme

The WWW-YES-Brazil-2009 workshop took place from Monday 26 October 2009 to Friday 30 October 2009 from 9:00 to 17:30 at CREA-MG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brazil) (see WWW-YES-2009-Brazil venue).

Public opening of the workshop (Monday 26 October 2009)

Within a morning session open to institutions and UFMG PhD students, the 9th edition of the WWW-YES workshop were officially opened and several examples of programs related to urban water presented (see presentation files when available).

Conf. time NAME First name University Title of presentation 8:30VASCONCELLOSRonaldoEnvironment department at Belo Horizonte municipalityOfficial opening of the 9th WWW-YES workshop9:00VINCON LEITEBrigitteEcole des Ponts ParisTechWater under the bridge Ecole des ponts: 20 years of cooperation with Brazil9:15VINCON LEITEBrigitteEcole des Ponts ParisTechUrban lake water quality: Cross research perspectives between Brazil and France9:30MEIEROlivierVal-de-Marne countyfestival de l’Oh!, enchanting rivers with art and performances. A unique suburban project towards environmental education on water issues10:15   Coffee break10:45NASCIMENTONiloUFMGIntegrated urban water management in Belo Horizonte, Brazil11:30THEVENOTDanielUniversité Paris-EstDayWater: follow-up of an European research project on stormwater source control

Oral presentations (26 to 29 October 2009 - half-day sessions)

When authorised by their authors, the presentations files are available (under the PDF format) using the tables below. Furthermore, manuscripts prepared by participants may be also available from the tables below, when deposited on this HALL sub-collection.

Each participant made a 10 min scientific presentation (ca. 10 slides), in English, on his / her research project and was ready for 30 min detailed scientific discussion during the workshop, also exclusively in English, chaired by the workshop participant in charge of reviewing his/her manuscript. Each presentation was especially focused on :

  • The scientific context of the research subject,
  • The research questions that are expected to be answered during the PhD preparation, together with their environmental justification,
  • The field and/or lab and/or model methodologies that are currently or will be used, together with their justification for addressing the questions presented before,
  • One or two major results obtained so far,
  • The planned research activity till the end of the PhD (or after its termination, in the case of a PhD which is already finished).

Workshop participants were reminded of the large diversity of background knowledge within their colleagues, i.e. from natural to human sciences : thus these oral presentations should have been extremely clear and well illustrated, allowing non-specialists of the research field to understand the raised environmental questions and the applied methods.

Each participant received a manuscript to review, using a referee report form : this review was expected to be filled and sent back prior to 2 October 2009 to Daniel Thevenot, who then sent these reports to the author of the refereed manuscript. Thus WWW-YES-2009-Brazil participants wereready, after their oral presentation, to answer to comments and questions raised by his/her referee.

A CD-ROM version of the proceedings draft version was given to each participant upon arrival.

Monday 26 October 2009

Official opening of the workshop

Conf. time NAMEFirst nameUniversityTitle of presentation13:30THEVENOTDanielUniversité Paris-EstWWW-YES-2009-Brazil participants welcome13:45NASCIMENTONiloUFMGWWW-YES-2009-Brazil participants welcome14:00MEIEROlivierVal-de-Marne countyWWW-YES-2009-Brazil participants welcome14:15   Presentation of each WWW-YES-2009-Brazil participant15:00   Coffee break

Session 1. Urban flood management

Conf. time NAMEFirst nameUniversityTitle of presentation and paperPaper chairperson and reviewer15:30ELEUTERIOJulianEcole Nationale du Génie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement de StrasbourgAutomating the analysis of flood damages: methodology and potential gainsBATISTA José Anderson16:10PARISI JONOVCristianeUniversidade Federal de Minas GeraisStudy about the behaviour and evaluation of the recovering costs of materials and components of buildings when exposed to the action of water from floodsLEITAO Joao Paulo16:50LEITAOJoao PauloImperial College LondonEnhanced DEM-based flow path delineation algorithms for urban drainage modellingPARISI JONOV Cristiane17:30BATISTAJosé AndersonState University of CampinasOn storm-runoff transformations in an urban and a forested subtropical basin: seeking perspectives to peakflow reduction (paper)ELEUTERIO Julian18:10   Group set-up 18:40   End of session 

Tuesday 27 October

Conf. time Title of presentation
8:30 Presentation of cooperative project topics by Martin SEIDL

Session 2. Domestic wastewater management
Conf. timeNAMEFirst nameUniversityTitle of presentation and paperPaper chairperson and reviewer9:30NGOUTANE PAREMarie-MadeleineUniversity of Yaounde I-CameroonNutritive value of Echinochloa pyramidalis, a forage plant used for treating faecal sludge and waste water (paper)VILLAR Pilar10:10HELLERPedroFederal University of Minas GeraisDifferent management models for basic sanitation services. A research proposal for Brazilian MunicipalitiesSAMPAIO GOMES Rogiéro10:50   Coffee break Session 3. Urban runoff management
Conf. time NAMEFirst nameUniversityTitle of presentation and paperPaper chairperson and reviewer11:20PETRUCCIGuidoUniversité Paris-EstA methodology to assess sustainability of urban stormwater management (paper)NAAH Marielle12:00   Lunch Wednesday 28 OctoberSession 3. Urban runoff management (following)
Conf. time NAMEFirst nameUniversityTitle of presentation and paperPaper chairperson and reviewer9:00VAN DE VOORDEAntoineUniversité Paris-EstRainwater harvesting: What are the potential effects of roof maintenance on runoff quality? France as an example (paper)AVELLAN HAMPE Cecilia Tamara9:40SILVAAndréUFMGCharacterization of urban runoff from traffic roads and removal of their pollutants through compensatory techniquesVALENCIA-ZULUAGA Viviana10:20   Coffee break 11:00VALENCIA-ZULUAGAVivianaUniversitat Politecnica de CatalunyaLandfill leachates treatment: one of the biggest and underestimated problems of the urban water from developing countries (paper)SILVA André11:40   Lunch Thursday 29 October
Session 4. Water resource (quality)
Conf. time NAMEFirst nameUniversityTitle of presentation and paperPaper chairperson and reviewer8:30VILLARPilar CarolinaUniversity of São PauloBrazilian Regulatory Process: including groundwater in urban water management (paper)NGOUTANE PARE Marie Madeleine9:10NAAHMarielleUniversité Paris EstImpact of the urban development of the Mingoa River watershed on the Municipal Lake of Yaoundé, Cameroon (paper)GOMEZ-JAUREGUI ABDO Juan Pablo9:50GOMEZ-JAUREGUI ABDOJuan PabloBrandenburg University of TechnologyDomestic freshwater usage under the final user perception. Evaluation of the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara (paper)HELLER Pedro10:30   Coffee break Session 5. Water resource (hydrology)
Conf. time NAMEFirst nameUniversityTitle of presentation and paperPaper chairperson and reviewer11:00AVELLAN HAMPECecilia TamaraUNESCO IHECommunity based approach towards water quality restoration and pollution prevention of the Flores Creek (Uruguay) (paper)VAN DE VOORDE Antoine11:40SAMPAIO GOMESRogérioUnicamp - Universidade Estadual de CampinasContribution of the Weighing lysimeter design for measures of direct run off in the floods formation (paper) NAAH Marielle12:20   Lunch Field visit (Wednesday 28 October 2009 afternoon)A half-day technical visit was organised on 2 sites of Belo Horizonte, on the UFMG pilot plants within the Belo Horizonte waste water treatment plant and on a new park within the 1st May district close to slum areas. These visits were accompanied by local scientists to ensure the transfer of knowledge as well as with Martin Seidl and Daniel Thevenot.Public discussion on drinking water management (Wednesday 28 October 2009 evening)Prior to the WWW-YES-2009-Brazil workshop, all participants were asked to conduct a survey on the drinking water resources, production and distribution within a city of his/her choice. Using an on-line survey form, a table of the water survey results was built.3 voluntary workshop participants prepared an English summary of the surveyed towns and presented it orally together with the necessary illustrations. Workshop participants were asked specific questions on the town which they have studied for this survey.Presentation file of the results of this water survey are available under PDF format as:

In the evening of Wednesday 28 October, all WWW-YES-2009-Brazil participants took part to a public discussion session within the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Minas Gerais at Belo Horizonte on the topic of "Drinking water management : results of an international survey conducted by young environmental scientists". Translation to/from English was offered to the workshop participants, so that they could understand the questions raised in Portuguese and were able to reply in English.Collaborative projects (27-30 October 2009 - half-day sessions)At the start of the workshop, participants built multidisciplinary groups of 4-5 persons. Each group prepared a proposal for international scientific research, under the guidance of senior experts. The topics of these proposals were defined with the help of actors of decentralized cooperation in the field of water supply and sanitation, or with academic searchers.For better understanding of such role game, this collective proposal preparation was introduced by a short course about scientific proposal writing and accompanied by senior scientists who have all experienced European research projects.Each research proposal resulted both into a one-page ‘Expression of Interest (EoI)’ distributed to participants and into an oral presentation and discussion with a panel of senior scientists and practitioners on the afternoon of Friday 30 October 2009. The aims of this scientific exercise are to learn how to justify all aspects of an international research project and to help participants to possibly obtain a support for future environmental research projects.Tuesday 27 OctoberConf. time Title of presentation 8:30Presentation of cooperative project topics by Martin SEIDL


NAMEFirst nameUniversityActivity13:15THEVENOTDanielUniversité Paris-EstCooperative research project: introduction13:30   Cooperative research project: preparation17:50   End of sessionThursday 29 October
Time Activity13:35Cooperative research project: preparation of abstract and presentation18:00End of sessionFriday 30 October
Time Activity8:30Cooperative research project: preparation and delivery of abstract10:00Coffee break10:30Cooperative research project: preparation and delivery of presentation12:30Lunch13:45Cooperative research project: presentation & discussion16:15Cooperative research project:: classification (ballot)16:35Farewell party18:00End of workshop