
12th edition of the World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists (WWW-YES-2012)

21 - 25 May 2012 at Arcueil, France



The WWW-YES-2012 workshop has taken place from Monday 21 to Friday 25 May, from 8:30 to 18:00, at Communauté d’Aglomération du Val de Bièvre CAVB (see venue). Except for Monday 21 May, all scientific sessions and lunches took place, in an informal way, within the meeting hall ’Salle du Conseil) of this local institution. On Monday 21 May, all activities were held at Arcueil city hall (Hotel de Ville d’Arcueil) within the main meeting hall (Salle du Conseil). See detailed map and location addresses on the venue article).

WWW-YES workshop proceedings (draft PDF version): cover & text (2.5 Mb): a printed version was distributed to all participants at workshop opening.

Official opening of the workshop (Monday 21 May at Arcueil city hall)

Within a short morning session opened to hosting institutions at Arcueil city hall, the CAVB, the Arcueil municipality and the Conseil General du Val de Marne (CG94), the 12th edition of the WWW-YES workshop was officially opened and participants briefly introduced themselves, their academic institution and their ongoing research activity.

Oral presentations (21 - 24 May)

Each participant had prepared and uploaded prior to 4 April a 6-10 page manuscript following the suggested format.

Each participant had prepared a 10 min scientific presentation, in English, on his / her research project and was ready for 30 min detailed scientific discussion during the workshop, also exclusively in English, chaired by the workshop participant in charge of reviewing his/her manuscript.

The oral presentation (ca. 10 slides) especially focussed on:

Workshop participants were reminded of the large diversity of background knowledge within their colleagues, i.e. from natural to human sciences: thus these oral presentations were expected to be extremely clear and well illustrated, allowing non-specialists of the research field to understand the raised environmental questions and the applied methods.

Each participant had received a manuscript to review, using a referee report form: this review was expected to be filled and sent back prior to 26 April to Daniel Thevenot, who then sent these reports to the author of the manuscript. Thus WWW-YES participants were ready, after their oral presentation, to answer to comments and questions raised by his/her referee.

As for previous editions since 2008, all participants were offered to publish their paper in an Open Source specific WWW-YES-2012 collection on HAL: see at this site the published manuscripts.

A printed version of the proceedings draft version was given to each participant upon arrival. In addition, a PDF version of this document is available on the Web (2.5 Mb).

Field visit (Tuesday 22 May afternoon)

A half-day technical visit on urban water issues was organised at several sites of Bièvre valley, upstream to Arcueil. Herve Cardinal at the SIAVB (Verrieres-le-Buisson) explained the river management upstream the highly urbanised part of the river where it becomes a domestic underground sewer. A visit of one of the hydraulic regulation lakes, "etand des Damoiseaux" was conducted by Hervé Cardinal.

Finally, participants discovered parts of the Bièvre River where it has been re-opened (in the middle of a newly designed park Parc des Pres) or will be re-opened (Cachan). Christian Metaire, vice-president of CAVB, presented and discussed this project with workshop participants.

This field visit was accompanied by Daniel Thevenot to ensure the transfer of knowledge and the discussion with the representatives of the local water authority.

Scientific programme (21 - 25 May)

Monday 21 May at Arcueil city hall

Official opening of the workshop

Time FAMILY NAME First Name University Title of presentation
8:30 THEVENOT Daniel University Paris-Est WWW-YES-2012 participants welcome
9:00 METAIRIE Christian Val-de-Bievre Official opening of the 12th WWW-YES workshop
9:20 MEIER Olivier Val-de-Marne county Official opening of the 12th WWW-YES workshop
9:30       Short presentation of each WWW-YES participant
10:30       Break

Session 1. Waste water management

  Conf. time FAMILY NAME First Name University Title of presentation and paper Paper chairperson and reviewer
4 11:00 YIOUGO Lydie International Institute of water and environment engineering Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and choice of sanitation technology: challenge in urban water quality of Pouytenga, Burkina Faso BENAMI
5 11:40 BERNAL SUAREZ Diana Paola Universidad del Valle Key issues for decentralization in municipal wastewater treatment (paper & presentation) YOUGO
6 12:20 WILINSKI Piotr Warsaw University of Technology Dissolved Ozone Flotation as a innovative and prospect method for treatment of micropollutants and wastewater treatment costs reduction (paper & presentation) MOULIN

Collaborative research project

Conf. time Title of presentation and paper
13:00 Buffet lunch and group set-up
14:00 Presentation of research cooperation project topics by SEIDL Martin
14:30 Selection of research cooperation project topic by each group
15:00 Research cooperation project building-up methodology: an introduction by THEVENOT Daniel
15:30 Rehearsal of presentation and discussion of drinking water survey summary by ‘summary team members’
18:00 End of session


Tuesday 22 May at CAVB

Session 1. Waste water management (follow.)

  Conf. time FAMILY NAME First Name University Title of presentation and paper Paper chairperson and reviewer
1 8:30 BENAMI Maya Ben Gourion University of the Negev Assessment of waterborne pathogenic bacteria in greywater and irrigated soils ROGUET

Session 2. Water management

  Conf. time FAMILY NAME First Name University Title of presentation and paper Paper chairperson and reviewer
7 9:10 SELLAMI Emna Universite Paris-Est Modelling the Zn emissions from rooffing materials at Creteil city scale (paper) AL-RUBAEI
8 9:50 AL-RUBAEI Ahmed Lulea University of Technology Long term performance of stormwater infiltration facilities SELLAMI
  10:30       Break  
9 11:00 ROGUET Adelaide University Paris-Est Creteil (UPEC) Impact of multiple disturbances on the sanitary and ecological quality of urban lakes (paper & presentation) BERNAL SUAREZ
10 11:40 SINGH Ritu FRI University Urban Lakes and Wetlands: Opportunities and Challenges in Indian Cities - Case Study of Delhi (paper & presentation) BERNAL SUAREZ

Field visit and public meeting

Time   Title of activity
13:00 Bus transportation Technical visit of the Bievre river/sewer equipments: SIAVB (upstream Bievre management agency), Parc des Pres (Fresnes) and Cachan
18:30   Break and walk to the Jean Vilar picture theater (Arcueil): presentation equipment set-up
19:00   Light snack
19:30   Public presentation of of short fiction film "Histoire d’eau" produced in 1958 by Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut, champions of the French "Nouvelle vague"
20:00 THEVENOT Daniel discussion moderator Public presentation of the WWW-YES international survey on drinking water management: presentation and discussion with Val de Bievre citizen (translation to/from English available)
21:30   End of meeting


Wednesday 23 May at CAVB

Session 2. Water management (follow.)

  Conf. time FAMILY NAME First Name University Title of presentation and paper Paper chairperson and reviewer
13 8:30 TRAN KHAC Viet Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Urban lakes: interaction between phytoplankton dynamics and trace metal speciation (paper & presentation) OYEDOTUN
14 9:10 TLILI Youssef ENGEES A multicriteria decision scheme for water pipe replacement prioritization (paper & presentation) TRAN KHAC
15 9:50 MOULIN Elodie Universite Paris-Est Live with floods in the Greater Paris. Flood risk integration in the landuse projects (paper & presentation) SINGH & WILINSKI
  10:30       Break  

Collaborative research project

Time Title of activity
11:00 Research cooperation project: preparation
12:30 Buffet lunch
13:30 Research cooperation project: preparation
18:00 End of session

Thursday 24 May at CAVB

Session 3. Water resource

  Conf. time FAMILY NAME First Name University Title of presentation and paper Paper chairperson and reviewer
16 8:30 OYEDOTUN Temitope D. Timothy University College London Urban water usages in Egbeda area of Oyo State, Nigeria (paper & presentation) BIABANAKI & TLILI
17 9:10 BIABANAKI Monireh Isfahan University of Technology Low Flow Regionalization Models by Regression and Hybrid Methods (paper & presentation) TRAN KHAC
2 9:50 CHANDEL Mukta Singh Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Microbial analysis and treatment of greywater (presentation) BENAMI


Collaborative research project

Time Title of activity
11:00 Research cooperation project preparation
13:00 Buffet lunch
14:00 Research cooperation project: summary preparation (EoF)
16:00 Research cooperation project: presentation preparation (PPT)
18:00 End of session


Friday 25 May at CAVB

Collaborative research project

Time Title of activity
8:30 Presentation equipment set-up
9:00 Research cooperation project presentation & discussion by each group
11:30 Research cooperation project: classification (ballot)
12:00 Celebration of the winner group around a glass
12:30 Farewell lunch & workshop evaluation by participants
14:00 End of workshop